Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: A Year In Review

This is less a year and review for like my life, and more like a year in review for some cool things I got introduced to / experienced over the year!! Mainly video games. Of course it's mainly video games.


All three of them are super cool people who make great things! Drak's working on a cool game called Item Haver and does a lot of neat video game streams! I love his humor - his streams are a lot of fun to watch while I'm doing something else in the background.

Gigi writes Cucumber Quest! A webcomic about bunny kids going on adventures, heavily inspired by RPGs like Paper Mario and Kirby. It's super good and I highly highly highly recommend it!

Toby Fox is the guy.... er, dog??? behind Undertale, which, I've already mentioned (twice!) on here. A really cool game that takes traditional RPG elements and flips them on their head. I, obviously, highly recommend this as well!

This was how I first found Drak and his streams (I'd already been following Gigi for a while), and, through this, got introduced to the Sonic series! Well, outside the vague "Sonic exists, he was in Smash and the Mario and Sonic Olympic games" knowledge of Sonic I already had.

Anyway, I recommend these streams to basically anyone! Whether you're a longtime fan of Sonic or, like me, someone who only vaguely knows about them, they're a lot of fun!! Just two friends enjoying a broken game and all in all having a good time. I'm really glad they exist. They still make me smile when I watch them.

  • Tied into that: I actually looked further into the Sonic series, and discovered I really really like it?????? It's kind of bad in a lot of ways but, it's still..... it's really good. I'm glad games like Sonic 06 and Sonic Adventure 2 exist.

What good games.... I'm so glad I actually looked into them instead of leaving my Mother / Earthbound experience at simply Mother 3. They were both really fun, and Earthbound has easily worked it's way onto the list of my favorite games.

  • I also played FF8 this year!!!!!!
What another good game..... I already talked about it on this blog before, but, I'm glad to have played it because, I think it's my favorite Final Fantasy, now?? And it was a lot of fun to share the experience with my sister, who loves it, and a friend of mine, who also loves it!! 

FF8 has a lot of good characters and a really good story and, well, I'm glad to have finally gotten around to playing it this year.

  • Splatoon!! Splatoon is a thing a I got into, and, it's a really good game!! I'm grateful for it, and, for getting a Wii U, finally.

I keep meaning to make a post about it here (it's next on the list, right after a Yoshi's Woolly World review, probably) but haven't gotten around to it yet! In short: I had a lot of low expectations for Majora's Mask, but when I finally sat down to play it on a whim, I was proven very wrong. It's a wonderful game, and is without a doubt one of my favorite Zeldas!

And, finally, the crown on this big 'ol cake:
  • Undertale
Undertale came out in September, after four months of waiting for it -- for me, anyway! 

It was better than the demo promised, and it wasn't just some short little game that I played once and really enjoyed. It ended up being much more than that. It totally took over my life for a few months, and, kind of still has a hold of it now??

I'm so glad we live in a world where Undertale exists, because it is such a good game, and it's really made an impact on the world and gaming and so much cool fanart and fanfic has come from it -- I haven't met anyone new from it, like other people, but I have had a lot of great experiences centered around it!

I never expected Undertale to get so big or to mean so much to me (and honestly, I don't think anyone expected this) but, here we are! Here it is!! And it's wonderful.

It would be silly for me to choose one thing out of this year that I am most thankful for, because I am very very thankful for all these things!! Buuuuuut, if I absolutely had to choose just one, it would be Undertale, without a doubt. GOOD THING I DON'T HAVE TO CHOOSE, HUH?

Anyway, that's some of my fave 2015 experiences year in review. Here's for 2016, finding more fun games, and having an even better year!